When I was a junior in high school I remember my history teacher, Miss Hartzog, taking us through the notorious reign of Henry VIII. A reign so captivating that it seems like a new book, Movie or TV series about it comes out every six months. I was particularly entertained by the story of Henry’s…
Lessons from Peeta Mellark on How to Treat a Woman
What do women want? This is the eternal question with which men wrestle. A casual survey of the internet on this subject will provide us with many men who say they can answer that question, and many highly disappointed women. Why? The men are usually coming at it from the perspective, not of how to…
King of the Castle and Princess Too?
Society tells us that if we believe there are different roles for men and women then we are narrow minded bigots. Clearly, this puts many Christians at odds with the world around them. But sadly, even in a conservative Christian context, many men give lip service to gender roles without any effort to live these…
Patriarchy vs Male Headship
My wife and I met in college, but she graduated one year earlier than I did. She is nearly two years younger, but probably more than twice as intelligent. Lucky me! We were planning to get married after I graduated, so she stayed around San Diego while I finished up. She was a little frustrated…
Leadership is Service
As I sit down to write this blog, I remember the old days of 2003 when three things were still true: Bill O’Reilly had not yet fallen from grace, Arnold Schwarzenegger was running for Governor of California, and I was still watching Fox News. The incident that jogs my memory thus is a moment on…
Full Theological Context, or The Bible and How We Treat Other People
“I don’t see what I don’t wanna see and I don’t here what I don’t wanna hear.” That is a quote from my sister, Tiffany Gabrielle Mendez. The context was when she was a teenage girl, and teenage boys would say shocking things to try to impress her. However, the quote is an apt summary…
Husbands, Love Your Wives
Part 1: Who Am I and Why this Blog To write a blog about marriage is a brave task. We live in a world where it is dangerous to talk about anything relating to men and women because there is no unanimous agreement about what men and women are. Narrowing our focus a bit, even…